【誠實商店】的創立及營運是建立在誠實道德教育體驗為核心價值,在快速繁雜的時代,更需要獨立靜下來思考的能力,什麼樣的生活方式和教育養分也是我們努力在打造的,這是個老師能安心帶學生來親自體驗的空間,討論空污、節能減碳、地方植物麻芛、回鍋油做環保皂與生活清潔濟、社區營造、安全誠實的食物等等多方議題。至今21個年度,誠實訪客們留下了許多留言記錄,也有不少外國人在此駐留。創辦人 江鳳英


楓樹社區誠實商店於2004年由台中市楓樹腳文化協會將社區閒置的空間再利用的成果之一,座落在台中市楓樹社區的樂田巷與互榮巷交叉口的古老巷道內,是古老居民生活圈交通聚集處。為了避免這個重要聚點已歇業的傳統雜貨店被加蓋鐵皮,江鳳英老師決定承租下來做為社區教育及交流基地,有20多個古色古香的座位及花花草草可供遊客休息,販賣一些飲料、糖果、咖啡、人道養殖雞蛋、社區自行生產的環保產品及在地南屯 麻芛 相關食品…



Honesty is the best policy!

Maple Honest Store is set up in 2004, from an abandon space in old alley in maple community. It is now a place full of plants, pleasant smell of coffee and selling local products & safety food. Besides, we make it as a place for children, residents and visitors to experience honest, education, sense of morality and for everyone to learn more about our history. It is also a place for people to share their stories and ideas without stress, and make ideas could be realized (for example, we develop rural handmade goods to increase rural women’s income.)

However, most special thing is: There is no waitress in the store! Customers serve themselves and put money into the “honest urn”, with a “honest” clear sound as great feedback. People can buy old-styled ice pops, some traditional cookies, eco-products made by the community and some desserts made by local planet: jute(“mua-yi”). Everyone could be a “honest store host” by helping to clean the place, watering flowers and keeping eyes on thief….

Honesty Guest Book

你在誠實商店感受到什麼了呢? 誠實商店邁入21年了…
積了好多好多本大家的留言,發現不少寶! 有些被偷了、有些不見了,趕緊慢慢記錄邊整理邊和大家分享

#誠實訪客簿 #誠實商店 #楓樹社區